Indoor tanning lotions will improve your tanning results by 70%. So when asked do you recommend using a tanning lotion you can see why the answer is always yes.
Tanning lotion moisturizes your skin and helps your skin to absorb more uv light. Dry ski reflects the UV light.
These days the amount of skin care ingredients they are packing into the lotions also make sit a no brainer. If you were to buy the skin care ingredients in your tanning lotions separately you would spend upwards of $250. Our skin is the largest organ in our body and we should cherish it. Treat it with all the goodness we can give it.
How to choose the right tanning lotion for you. There truly is so many options. The basics types are Maximizers or Intensifiers, Bronzers or Hot Tingle lotions.
Maximizers/Intensifiers are going to accelerate your natural coloring. They are usually white in coloring. Clients usually love the after tan smell of these.
Bronzers are going to have DHA (what's in sunless solutions) or natural bronzers from plants and minerals. Bronzers are going to get you darker faster and give you a more even skin tone. Usually dark in color, unless you have a white bronzer. You can have many levels of darkness in a bronzer. Typically the darker in color out of the bottle the more bronzers. The darker the better right? That's not the case for everyone. If you are more fair choose a natural bronzer and work your way to a darker bronzer. Another reason to maybe not choose a dark bronzer if you tend to not rub in your lotion well. Any excess not rubbed in will darken that area and could leave you streaky. A common question is will they turn me orange. Some certainly can, however none of the brands we carry will. We only carry the best brands. Designer Skin, Devoted Creations, Hempz, Supre, Tannovations and Austrailian Gold to name a few. Have you heard of those?
Hot tingle lotions react with your skins proteins to bring more blood flow to the skin creating a reddening and ingle sensation. This really helps you to achieve a very dark tan. Usually recommended for experience tanners as it can be uncomfortable. New to hot lotion or curious to try? We recommend starting with it on your legs and maybe arms first before applying it all over to the more sensitive areas.
Most of our clients want to know how it works, how it smells and the cost. Lotions can range from $30 upwards of $200... crazy right? But remember how I said they are packed full of skin care ingredients. The more expensive the lotion the more skin care ingredients it should have in them. We try to carry a good range to meet the needs of each or our clients budget.
"We went on vacation and I used maui babe when I was there and got so dark, can I use that in the beds" the answer is no. Only tanning lotions formulated for indoor use. Most salons do not allow oils, please no coconut oil, sprays or outdoor only lotions. It gums up our acrylic on the beds and blocks out the uv light. While I love coconut oil to moisturize and heal sunburns it can not be used in the beds. For the reason above as well as oils are extremely hard to clean off the beds. Most of our indoor tanning lotions we carry can be used INDOORS and OUTDOORS... girl math means 2 for 1 you are saving money, let's buy the lotion. not to mention supporting your local salon does wonders to help them be successful.
We would love to help you pick an amazing lotion you are going to love. We have 3 lotions to serve you Sonora, Angels Camp and Valley Springs.